Saturday, April 5, 2014

Open Letter to Dr. Helen Yifter Bitew and Dr. Abdurazek Ahmed Abdela
April 5, 2014

Dear Helen and Abdurazek
I have just spent 2 amazing weeks with you and, although I am happy to be returning to my home, I am sad to leave you and to end this extraordinary experience.  I believe that you are both remarkable physicians. You are extremely intelligent – that is obvious. But in addition you are so very kind and devoted to your patients. You have taken on a great responsibility in caring for this large number of poor and needy patients. Your medical skill, hard work and dedication provide a great, great service to them. They are blessed to have such devoted and wonderful physicians caring for them. The future of Endocrinology and Diabetes care in Ethiopia is very bright because of the work you are now doing and the good work that will follow from the many fellows who will train under you when you soon become a faculty at your great institution. I am certain that you will be excellent mentors just as you are outstanding physicians.  It was truly an honor for me to work with you for the past two weeks. I have learned very much and have benefitted greatly from this experience. I wish you both the very greatest of success and satisfaction in your careers. You are now and always my highly valued colleagues.

Michael McDermott MD

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