Friday, March 28, 2014

Friday Morning inpatient Medicine Rounds. One day each week the two Endocrine fellows, Abdurazek Ahmed Abdela and Helen Yifter Bitew, serve as attendings for the General Medicine Inpatient Service. Katy Brown and Mike McDermott attended on these rounds today also. We saw 16 inpatients that were presented to us by the Medicine Interns and Residents. Among the cases that we saw were 3 with acute leukemia, 1with CLL and a blast crisis, 1with a lymphoma, one with hemophilia and a hemarthrosis, 1 with newly diagnosed lung cancer and a pleural effusion, 3 with disseminated TB, 1 with severe Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, 1 with bacterial endocarditis, 1 (age 20 years old) with severe obesity and pulmonary hypertension and 1 type 1 diabetic in a coma from brain damage sustained during a severe hypoglycemic episode.

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