Saturday, April 5, 2014

Interview with Dr. Abdurazek Ahmed Abdela (see attached video)

1.       Greatest need that our Endocrinology patients have:
1.1.  Educational:
Well designed educational tools in particular for our diabetic patients that can be modified and adopted to our Situation
1.2.  Support for lab Services for diagnosis and follow up:
a.       Development of Hemoglobin A1C that is standardized and available both in the labs and point of care
b.      Hormonal assays for Vit D, PTH, Testosterone, and pituitary hormones.
-          Inconsistently available and sometimes issues with reliability
c.       Cosyntropin Stimulation test
-          Diagnosis of adrenal insufficiency is mainly based on clinical evaluation
d.      Biochemical tests to diagnose pheochromocytoma: not available at all
1.3. Treatment related needs
a.       Point of care HbA1c for outpatient services
b.      Glucometer for SMBG for type 1 diabetic patients in particular and some of type 2 diabetic patients
c.       Glucometer for the inpatients admitted with diabetes mellitus to the ICU, general internal medicine wards, and Obstetric wards.
-          Great difficulty in managing these patients without their glucose being monitored.
d.      Insulin per fusers  for patients admitted to the ICU with DKA or HHS
e.      Diabetic foot ulcer wound care supplies, different dressings for DFU etc.
f.        Antithyroid drugs;
-          PTU is the only available drug, with questionable efficacy of the available products.
-          Great need to have access to Methimazole/ Carbimazole.
2.       Educational Needs:
Access to reputable International Society Guidelines and Journals free of subscription fees.

3.       Greatest health care challenge in Ethiopia

-          Although there is improvement from the situation few years ago, health care accessibility is a great challenge because of the limited resources and trained health care workers. The growing magnitude of noncommunicable disease, in particular of diabetes mellitus, had and will be having great impact on the health care system in Ethiopia.                        

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