Saturday, April 5, 2014

Interview with Dr. Helen Yifter Bitew (see attached video)

1.      What is the greatest need your endocrinology patients have?

·         Diabetic patients –Blood glucose monitoring supplies, HbA1c, Diabetes education
·         Other endocrine problems- Drugs (Bromocriptine, Methimazole or Carbimazole)
·         ACTH (Cosyntropin) stimulation test for diagnosing adrenal insufficiency

2.      What is your greatest educational need?

·         Teaching faculty- we have only 3 endocrinologists in the country
·         Set up- learning setup where we can see comprehensive and standard endocrinology care
·         Journal access (JCEM, Endocrine Practice)

3.      What is the greatest health care challenge in Ethiopia?

·         Access to quality care
·         Functioning health referral system

·         Shortage of trained health professionals at every level

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